Monday, February 28, 2011

The Whistle

The story of The Whistle is about a seven years old kid while his pocket was full of money, the kid run out to the toys store and bought a whistle he spend all of his money for that whistle. 

When he played it in their house it's so annoying so after awhile he stop playing with it. He realized that he spend all of his money for that whistle.

Sometimes, people spending their money for nothing or non- sense thing they don't even think if they really need it for their daily lives, and then after that they will realize that they spend to much of money for nothing. Sometimes, you don't really need to spend a lot of money.

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense
- expressed an action completed at the present time. " Movement of Speaking. "
- Present perfect tense : has/have + past participle ( verb ).
- Present perfect progressive: has/have been + present participle ( verb + ing ).

example :
- He has bought a new car.
-He has been driving for an hour now.
- I have been waiting for my turn.


- indicates whether the subject of the sentence is the doer or receiver of the action expressed by the transitive verb.

Active Voice
= s-tv-do
- doer of the action.

- The boys write letters.

Passive Voice
= s-iv 
- reciever of the action
- expressed by the prep. " by "
- helping verb. "is/are, be/being, has/have " 

- The prize was awarded by the club.

The English sound system

The vowels
- are sound produced when movements  of the speech organs are not obstructed by the breath system.

Classification of vowels:
  1. Front vowels - it is the front part of our tongue  that it most affected and does most of the movement.
  2. central word - it is the central part of the tongue that does a lot of movement with the coordination of the lips.
  3. Back vowels - are those that are produced  with the back of the tongue doing a lot of movement either raised or pulled back.
[ i ] & [ I ] Sound:
- they are front, unsound vowels.
  •  position your tongue in front of your mouth.
  •   produced the [ i ] sound while spreading your lips side ward with tensed muscle.
for example:

- even
- people

  • produced the [ I ] sound with unspread lips & relaxed muscles.
for example:
- thrill
- curtain
- English

[ e ] & [ æ ] Sound:
  • [ e ] Sound - it's pronounce -ey-
for example:
- May
- Day
- Face

  • [ æ ] Sound - it's pronounce -a-
for example:
- cat
- black
- apple

Understanding Narrative

Narrative Literature:

Narrative Poetry
- epic
- metrical romance
- ballad
- dramatic narrative
- drama

Narrative Prose
- novel
- short story
- newspaper
- report
- allegory
- travels books
- folk legend
- diaries
- biography

Common Characteristics of Narratives:
  1. A sense of movement.
  2.  A sense of reality and truth.
  3.  A careful and significant selection and ordering of details.
  4.  a well - defined point of view.
Different kinds of Point of View:
  • first person - a character tells his/her own story.
  • first person observer - a character tells in the first person ( I ) a story he has observed.
  • Author - observer ( third person ) -  the author relates what happens in an object manner.
  • omniscient author -  the author tells story with his/her own comments and with freedom to go into the mind of character.
  • A combination of four.


- is the art of expressing one's thoughts in verse.
- it is meant to be read aloud.
- poetry arouses our emotions.

Lines - often organized in stanzas
- 1st line is single
- 2nd line is couplet
- 3rd line is tercet
- 4th line is quatrain
- 5th line is quinrain
- 6th line is setset
- 8th line is octet

- a group of lines.
- usually develops one idea.
- beginning of a new stanzas often signals.

Rhyme and Rhyme Scheme:
  • Words rhyme when they have the same sound.
  • Poems often use rhyme at the end of the line.
  •  Poets add rhyme to add a musical sound to their poems.
- feeling that a poem creates in a reader.
- can be positive or negative.


Elegy is meditation of life and death.

3 kinds of poetry:
- Lyric
- Narrative
- Dramatic

Lyric comes from lyre, a harp-like instument played by ancient Greek poets during recital of shorter poems.

2 kinds of Narrative
  • Epic - long poem describing war and heroism
  • Ballad - tell short stories about a particular person/event.
Dramatic - the poet lets one or more of the story's character to act out the story.

Elements of poetry:
  • Rhythm - means the flow of sound produced by language. 
    *meter - pattern of rhyme in a poem.
  • Imagery - refers to the sensations that language creates in the mind.
  • form
  • sounds
Free verse - is a poem with no rhyme scheme and meter.


The story of Locomotive is about a tall young Indian man came to town on a donkey and began loafing around in the public library, but the Indian man has lots of money.

One day locomotive 38 came out in the telephone booth, he saw a young man sitting at the soda fountain eating a fancy dish. Locomotive 38 said Hi to Willie but he knew that that isn't his real name, but after a short conversation, they became friends. Locomotive wants to buy a automobile and he ask the man what kind can he bought, but the young man said that he don't think that locomotive have money, he ask at the young man that if he can drive and the young man said "yes I can drive anything " but locomotive ask if he can drive a automobile and then the young man saying not yet. after awhile ago locomotive asked what kind of car he can buy then the man said ford roadster, locomotive asked if that's the best and then the man said how about Cadillac or the Packard. locomotive bought the Packard and ask the man how much is it and the man said three thousand two hundred seventeen dollars and sixty-five cents, after he bought the car they went to Mendota and go fishing after that they went to hotel to rest in the morning the car is gone the young man ask a clerk where is the Packard. the clerk said that no one got the Packard. the clerk asked, and he said that the 2 Indians got it, the man asked who drove it and he said that the Indians friend drove it.

Some people judge others, and they judge the person in a negative way because they don't know the real image of that person. Judging is not a good habit to show others.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Gift of the Magi

The Gift of the Magi is about two people, Della and Jim, who both sacrificed  their precious possessions.

Della and Jim is suffering from a financial crisis. Della was only left with $1.87 cents to spare. In order for her to give Jim the best present he can get, she sold her hair for $20. After selling her hair she quickly searched  Jim a present. She found this chain that was perfect for Jim's golden watch. When Jim came home, he had this gift for Della, a set of comb. Since Della cut her hair, Jim's present for her was useless and also Della's present for Jim since Jim sold his golden watch in order for him to get Della a gift.

Sometimes, people sacrifice a lot of things in order for the one they love to be happy. Sacrificing is a good thing since you can really show someone how much they really mean to you.